orkuters auto deleting all your link scraps

Orkut developers deleting scraps that contains rich contents. Yes that's true. So sending style font scraps, photos and videos to your friends is worthless.

I used to send birthday wishes to my friends via scraps. For this I was using a ready-made HTML script containing text, image, flash file and link to my blog at the footer.

But since last one or two months I didn't get a single "thank you scrap". Astonished by the result I started checking there scrap book , I found my scraps was not there.

I stared searching orkut help forum and found that other users also facing the same problem. The scraps are automatically get deleted and goes to your spam folder. From the spam folder you can mark it "not spam" so that the scrap can be restored or you may "delete" it permanently. This also applies to community posts also and the rich text threads can be found in community spam folder.

Although it is a good idea as it protects and keeps you orkut profile clean, but bad also as we can't have more fun.


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  5. Well, st a time linkjacking was on it's peak and in order to protect the privacy of it's users, Orkut started a new feature called "Spam". This spam feature moves all rich contents (scraps with live links, link to an external image, flash contents etc) to the spam folder. You can easily restore those messages and bring back to your scrapbook by marking them as "Not Spam".

    I faced this problem with my site www.bapun.com also. All my images were having HTML links and Orkut started sending them to spam boxes. However, after a bit tweaking those codes, they are appearing normally now ;)

  6. @Bapun
    May I know the tweaks!

  7. nice info...........m facing same prob in my orkut profile.....

  8. I run a similar Glitter graphics website and have been observing a downfall in traffic from orkut. I did some research and found your blog. It seems our animated messages and glitters get flagged as spam in orkut.

    Do you know anyway we can fix this?

  9. Reply @Myspace Glitters

    It is not an error which is to be fixed. Orkuters are doing this to minimise spamming. But us it very harassing.

    Do try some kind of hacks to get rid of this.

  10. Yah you are right actually fun goes to missing after cleaning rich content,scraps and pics.

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