Read your orkut scraps without login in

Update: Trick is not working more.
To read your scraps without logging in you have to click the link (Replace ID with your Profile ID)

Profile id is the id which appears in address (URL) bar which you are visiting some one's profile.

You can also check your community forum by pointing to (Replace ID with the community ID)

youtube mobile version has been released

Are you addicted to youtube . I tell u a good news .the mobile version of youtube has been launched .
point your phone browser to
Also a new remixer feature has been launched by youtube officials.

Blogger in draft relesed

This is the site where blogger's testing features are available for all its user to try them out

to try these feature point your browser to blogger in draft

read more

Letting your blogs speak for themselves; podcast you text

Now your blog readers can listen your posts .Huh sounds crazy na? provides podcasting ability to your text-only posts. It is easy , fast and free . Sign up for a accounts >> get the html code >> enter code & rock the world.

Hey! wait the code u will get not work with blogger . So I modified it to work well with blogger beta. From blogger dashboard goto setting >> edit HTML >> check expand widget templates >> paste code below[replace xxxxx by your feed id from talkr HTML script ]just after div class='post-footer 'Here is the code.....................................
Update: script not working any more.

now in orkut you can read others feeds

Update: Trick is not working now.

Now, you can add your blog, photos, events, book

marks and more to your orkut profile. Add the website or RSS/Atom feed address below and orkut will automatically import it and fetch new items.

go to your feed setting read more in insideorkut